A registered Estate Administrator is a qualified professional who manages real estate properties. Do you know whose hands your community is in?

There are many “professionals” offering their services to communities without having the proper capacity to run properly a community, so without the proper registration in the College of Administrator of Malaga.

Some people think that, as the prices of this “professionals” are much cheaper than the legal administrators properly registered, it is a good idea to contract with them. The experience say this thought is completely wrong. The community would be severally damaged if you place the community in the hands of someone who is not a registered administrator.

If this administrator is no properly registered, you may be losing out on all these advantages.

1.- Guarantee of legal, technical and accounting solvency.

The Registered Estate Administrator has accredited training, with their own university title which enables their registration.  Do you know the knowledge that your administrator has in each area?

2.- Legal coverage of legal services by the College.  Who does your Estate Administrator turn to in the event your community requires some legal clarification?

3.- Guarantee of technical,  architechnical  and technological management of your community with coverage by the technical office associated with the College of Estate Administrators and conventions reached with the College of Architects and College of Experts, etc for the use and advantages for the registered administrators.  Do you know if your Estate Administrator has adequate, solvent and free advice for your community on many technical matters which may affect it?

4.- Guarantee of current and continuous training.  All the Registered Estate Administrators have courses, conferences, talks and reading resources as well as punctual information and daily practice about the successive changes to regulations or techniques which could affect the management of the community of the owners.  Who informs your administrator about the continuous new issues and changes which keep happening?


5.- Coverage of  third party insurance which guarantees an adequate compensation for your community in the event your administrator causes any patrimonial damage as a consequence of some mistake or negligence made on their behalf.  Do you know who answers to you for any mistakes made by your administrator?


6.- Surety Insurance Subscription with coverage  in the event your community doesn’t have the funds available which it should have as a consequence of some illegitimate action made by your administrator.  Who will indemnify your community for misappropriation of  funds?


7.- Ethical and professional control on the actions made by the Registered Estate Administrator on behalf of the College,  which you may denounce on any action you consider violates our strict ethical code, whereby the administrator will be sanctioned by the College or even expelled. Who do you turn to to defend your rights as a neighbour if your administrator isn’t registered?

8.- Existence of conventions with various public administrations which facilitate the work of your registered administrator and which achieve benefits for your community.  What advantages does your administrator have in relation to public administrations?


9.- Immediate knowledge of the public subventions which may benefit your community .  Are you aware that by not knowing you could be losing out on the many subventions available and being granted to communities?


10.- Existence of mediation and arbitration services for the communities that may require this management by a registered administrator. Do you know that by having a registered administrator manage your community you can resolve the problems which arise within your community without the need of  resorting to legal procedures?

All these are just some of the advantages that you can have when your community is in good hands: being those of a Registered Estate Administrator affiliated with the College of Administrators of Malaga and Melilla.

Don’t just do with anything less.  Contract a Registered Estate Administrator and enjoy the difference.

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